Well I wanted an excuse to try Flock again, so here it is … a short post.
Recently, I’ve noticed a couple of stories where Mr. (Fred) Rogers has been blamed for a generation of narcissistic children lacking work ethic.
Well I can’t speak for everyone, but I know that any success that I have achieved in my life has everything to do with my parents, Greek immigrants who came to Canada in the late 1950’s. The photo below shows a crowd of landing immigrants coming in to Pier 21, Halifax. My dad, Marinos (Mario) Couros, is tagged via Flickr.
The next pic is of my mother, Kalomira (Mary) Couros, coming over on another ship a few years later.
I am fascinated by these photos. It amazes me still that these individuals left their families, their nation, everything they had known, to find a better life. Both came over with literally pennies in their pockets, and both worked so very hard to make a living, to build a business, to raise and help educate four children and to create a happy and secure home.
Has Mr. Rogers’ “you’re good enough” message really affected what I have become today? Sure, I believe that media does effect us in many ways … I won’t get into all of the factors in this post (if you want to know more, read this). However, if you are going to blame anyone on what I have become today … blame my parents. I may not be perfect, but as I said before, any success I have can be attributed to two individuals that inspired, directed and nurtured me. It is because of their actions (both direct and indirect) and their unconditional love that I am who I am today.
Thanks mom and dad! I love you both more than you know.
I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed reading your entry. I, especially, enjoyed to read how easy it is for you to tell your parents you love them. You and Claudia will continue to be an inspiration to your children, as well…that’s a gift.
What is scary is that some conservative bloggers are actually taking this Fox News report seriously. This one blog I came across the other day made the claim that Mother Teresa and Martin Luther King also helped ruin a generation. Scary stuff: