Hildebrandt, K., & Couros, A. (2016). Digital selves, digital scholars: Theorising academic identity in online spaces. Journal of Applied Social Theory, 1(1). Retrieved from http://socialtheoryapplied.com/journal/jast/article/view/16/19
Hildebrandt, K., Lewis, P., Kreuger, C., Naytowhow, J., Tupper, J., Couros, A., and Montgomery, K. (2016). Digital Storytelling for Historical Understanding: Treaty Education for Reconciliation, Journal of Social Science Education, 15(1), pp. 17-26.
Couros, A., and Hildebrandt, K. (2016). Designing for Open & Social Learning. In G. Veletsianos (Ed.) Emerging Technologies in Distance Education Volume II. AU Press, Athabasca University, Athabasca, AB.
Couros, A., Lewis, P., Montgomery, K., Tupper, J., Hildebrandt, K., and Naytowhow, J. (In Press), Storying treaties and the treaty relationship: enhancing treaty education through digital storytelling. International Review of Qualitative Research.
Couros, A. (2014). Hacking education: How openness and sharing can transform learning. In Coombe, R. (Ed), Dynamic Fair Dealing. University of Toronto Press: Toronto, Canada.
Couros, A. (2013). Visualizando La Enseñanza Abierta. In Castañeda, L. & Adell, J. (Eds.), Entornos Personales De Apprendizaje: Claves Para El Ecosistema Educativo En La Red. Marfil, Alicante, Spain.
Couros, A., Jarrett, K. (2011). Twitter for Teachers. In McLeod, S. & Lehmann, C. (Eds.), What School Leaders Need to Know About Digital Technologies & Social Media. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass/Wiley.
Couros, A. (2010). Personal Learning Networks for Open & Social Learning. In G. Veletsianos (Ed.), Emerging Technologies in Distance Education. AU Press, Athabasca University, Athabasca, AB.
Couros, A. (2010). Technology & Social Media (Special Issue: Part 2). in education, 16(1), Faculty of Education, University of Regina.
Couros, A. (December, 2009). Technology & Social Media (Special Issue: Part 1). in education, 15(2). Faculty of Education, University of Regina.
Couros, A. (2009). Open, connected, social: Implications for educational design. Campus-Wide Information Systems, 26(3), 232-239.
Friesen, D., Couros, A. (2008). The Digital Internship Project 2.0: Implementing digital learning in the Teacher Education internship. Proceedings of ICCEÂ 2008: International Conference on Computers in Education. October 27-31, 2008. Tapei, Taiwan.
Brogden, L. M., & Couros, A. (2007, Winter). Toward a philosophy of technology and education. The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin, 73(2), 37-42.
Brogden, L. M., & Couros, A. (2006). Technology in education: A literature review. Regina, SK: Saskatchewan Instructional Development and Research Unit, University of Regina. (Online)
Couros, A., & Brogden, L. (2006). Phase 2 feasibility study: Comprehensive virtual resource-centre alternatives related to First Nations online learning. Regina, SK: Saskatchewan Instructional Development and Research Unit, University of Regina. (Online)
Nolan, K., Friesen, D., Maeers, M. & Couros, A. (2005) A case study of pre-service teachers learning to teach with technology during internship. Proceedings of Edmedia 2005: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications. June 27 – July 2, 2005, Montreal Canada. (Online)
Couros, A. (2003). The iTeacherEd Project: Developing an instructional technology integration model for teacher education programs to enhance classroom teaching and learning. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Communication technologies in education (ICICTE-04). July 3-5, 2003, Samos, Greece.
Brogden, L., Couros, A. (2002). Contemplating the Virtual Campus: Pedagogical and administrative considerations. The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin, 68(3), 22-30.
Couros, A. (2002). Preparing teachers for the Information Age: Challenges of faculty and instructors in a preservice teacher education program. Melbourne, AU: Common Ground (eBook)
Couros, A., Brogden, L. (2001). Saskatchewan virtual campus report: Research into models and best practices. Saskatchewan Instructional Development and Research Unit. University of Regina, Faculty of Education.
R.A. Schwier, M. Akerman, G. Antifaiff, P. Arthur, S. Balbar, T. Brown, J. Byers, G. Clark, A. Couros, C. Hansen, D. Pinder, D. Pratte, B. Scheirer, B. Schindelka (2001). The day the technology died: A tale of murder and redemption in a virtual mentorship project. Media News, 27(3), 1,3-4.
Couros, A. (2000). Increasing instructional technology competencies in an elementary education preservice program.J.D. Price, J. Willis, D. Willis, M. Jost and S. Boger-Mehall (Eds.). Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education 10th International Conference Proceedings. Charlottsville, VA:AACE.
Couros, A. (2000). Ownership of knowledge and its implications for teacher education. Professional and Theoretical Issues in Educational Technology: Occasional Papers.
Fulton, C., Couros, A., Maeers, M. (2000). The impact of theory on technology use in the classroom. J.D. Price, J. Willis, D. Willis, M. Jost and S. Boger-Mehall (Eds.). Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education 10th International Conference Proceedings. Charlottsville, VA:AACE.