2.0 Officially Released 2.0 (formerly known as OpenOffice) has been officially released today. 2.0 is the productivity suite that individuals, governments, and corporations around the world have been expecting for the last two years. Easy to use and fluidly interoperable with every major office suite, 2.0 realises the potential of open source.

With new features, advanced XML capabilities and native support for the OASIS Standard OpenDocument format, 2.0 gives users around the globe the tools to be engaged and productive members of their society.

Download here.

2 thoughts on “ 2.0 Officially Released

  1. Pingback: StigmergicWeb » 2.0 Officially Released

  2. Although I’ve been told by a colleague of mine that I’m “making others suffer because of my philosophy”, the staff at my school are generally on board.

    Two weeks from now, the entire school will be doing the first quarter reporting on report cards made using OpenOffice Calc. About one month earlier, the school – for the first time – created progress reports using OpenOffice Writer.

    So the question is…

    As technical director, do I know what I’m doing and legitimately see that moving in this direction is positive? Or am I just a wacko F/OSS supporter who is making eveyone “suffer because of my philosophy”? Maybe I’m just a communist hippy that has lost all touch with reality…?


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