7 thoughts on “I’m a Lucky, Lucky Man

  1. That is so cool that you can add a video or audio comment. How did you get that? Anyway, congrats. You are a lucky man, especially when I don’t hear anyone crying. What happens when the lights get turned off, everyone know it’s time to sleep?

    Sorry, you can delete my first one. I forgot to apply my co comment.

  2. You sure are lucky….. It’s great that can you catch them on video, because they grow up soooo quickly. Your kids are just beautiful!!

  3. Very cute, and hits close to home. No one can make my 18 mo old son laugh like his 4 yr old big sister. Mind you, no one can make him cry like his 4 year old big sister as well, so you have your trade offs :).

  4. Yes you are a lucky man. And you brought a big smile to many faces by sharing this. Enjoy your children and make sure you save this one to show to them when they have their own kids.

  5. Alec,
    Great video, I never saw this one. Marino looks a lot like you. Very nice looking family, it made both of my kids laugh!

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