A few neat sites/tools I’ve come across lately:
I know I’ve read about Scratch some time ago, but this BBC article highlights this free coding tool aimed at kids. Scratch, a tool developed at MIT, is a “free programming tool that allows anyone to create their own animated stories, video games and interactive artworks has been developed.” The video looks pretty impressive, but I haven’t got a chance to download and use the tool.
The BBC article also points to hacketyhack.net, “The Coder’s Starter Kit”. The tool (available for Windows only … tsk tsk) helps to teach the Ruby programming language.
Somewhat related is the Zimmer Twins’ website. The website allows users to create animated movies, and the best are selected to be broadcast on Teletune. It’s really a neat process, and a clever tool. Here’s an example. Ahhhh … so much has changed since the days of BASIC.
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