Role of Teacher Education – We Need Your Help

Dean Shareski and I are presenting at Educon 2.2 in Philadelphia, and our topic is “(Re)Imagining Social Media & Technology in Teacher Education”. We are hoping to find individuals that will help us introduce the topic. More specifically, we are looking for insight in answering the following questions regarding the role of teacher education in developing new teachers. Roughly, these questions are:

  1. What are your general views on the status of teacher education in preparing teachers, especially in regards to innovative teaching? What positives, negatives, or general views can you share? Please do pull in your own experiences if applicable.
  2. What is the ideal role of teacher education in developing teachers who are media literate and technologically savvy?

Using the Alan Levine Approachâ„¢, we are looking for short videos or audio bites (1-2 minutes each) that we hope to remix into our introduction to the topic. We realize that this does not give much time to answer, so feel free to focus on one or two important points.

If you are a teacher, a teacher educator, an administrator, or work with new teachers, you will likely have important ideas to share. If you are interested, please submit your video via Youtube, or through a file drop service like You can add the link to the video in the comments here, or feel free to email me at

The presentation is on January 31/10, but we hope to have submissions by January 22/10 at the latest.

Thanks for any help you can give.

20 thoughts on “Role of Teacher Education – We Need Your Help

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention open thinking » Role of Teacher Education – We Need Your Help --

  2. Pingback: iVenus (iVenus)

  3. Pingback: shareski (Dean Shareski)

  4. Pingback: thecleversheep (Rodd Lucier)

  5. Alec,

    You might want to take a look at how 5th grade teacher Rudy Alfonso is making visible to teachers at his (Title 1) site – and beyond – what movie making looks like when integrated into the curriculum. His recently started blog will give you a glimpse into the ways he uses technology to defy the confines of poverty surrounding his school community and to take students beyond scripted, mandated programs.

    His passion, support, and modeling are helping to bring other teachers on board with digital teaching/digital learning.

    If you’d like an interview clip, let me know. I know his students will be happy to oblige.

  6. Pingback: nancyrubin (nancyrubin)

  7. Pingback: gardenglen (Glen Westbroek)

  8. Pingback: RussGoerend (Russ Goerend)

  9. Pingback: web20classroom (Steven W. Anderson)

  10. Pingback: neal_barber (Neal Barber)

  11. Pingback: _joanasilva_ (Joana Silva)

  12. Pingback: shareski (Dean Shareski)

  13. Pingback: pgsimoes (Paulo Simões)

  14. Teacher prep programs are getting better. It’s just so hard because you never really know what it’s going to be like til you’re in your own classroom. Once all the tech tools are taught how can teachers determine the best way to use them? How can tech be used BY THE STUDENT. My teachers are at “phase 1” which I think is the phase that tech makes the teachers instruction better but not to the student use “phase.”

  15. I hope to extract something from my 2006 talk, Teaching is Dead – Long Live Learning. But if I don’t I hope you check it on wikispaces where the text and video are together.

  16. 1. Some teacher education programs are improving. Based on the experience levels of the teachers I follow on Twitter, I’d say most aren’t. Teacher ed programs should focus on helping new teachers build networks.

    2. Faculty at teaching colleges should focus on delivering content using rich media if that’s what they want their new teachers to learn. Less “using the old way” and more using technology to enhance their classrooms.

  17. #2. Many of the new teachers seem to have good use of technology personally, however they lack the ability to integrate technology into their students’ learning. Its almost like technology was something that was done to them but not presented as a way to promote motivation and learning in the classroom.

  18. 2. What is the ideal role of teacher education in developing teachers who are media literate and technologically savvy?

    Teacher education programs are in the unique position of bearing the most potential to affect change on the current educational culture. To be an the instigator of change though, they must design their programs to look like the classrooms they hope to see in the future.

    One of the most significant ways they can bring this home to their students is to put them in the field at the front end of their program. Have teachers working in classrooms with strong mentors at the start. Allow them to have a picture in their heads before they tackle the hard stuff. Then immerse them in a learning program that creates “media literate” and “technologically savvy” teachers as a simple by product of their having been in the program. Make technology ubiquitous in their own learning and it will transfer out with them when they graduate. The program should require the use of technology for all aspects. Here is one idea:

    “Class time.” Most professors require attendance and work it into the factoring of a grade. Why does a student need to be AIS (ass in seat) in order to learn from their professor? If a professor offers his class with these options:

    1. Real time in the classroom (w/ backchannel he/she is tapped into)
    2. Real time on the web video & audio (w/ backchannel he/she is tapped into)
    3. Real time on the web audio only (w/ backchannel he/she is tapped into)
    4. Archived access on the web video & audio (w/ tools for annotation and Q?A space)
    5. Archived on the web audio only (w/ tools for annotation and Q?A space)

    Teachers will have the ability to manage their lives so they make sense. As they enter the classroom after graduation they will no longer look at technology as an add-in, but as a critical cog in the mechanisms of the learning environments they create. The question won’t be, “How can I integrate technology into my classroom?” it will be “What tools do I need to help my students learn and create?”

  19. Pingback: teaching teachers as a subversive activity « Higher Edison

  20. Pingback: dy/dan » Blog Archive » Two Minutes On Teacher Education

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