Hi everyone.
We have now completed the official EC&I 831 experience, and I am hoping to follow up with research around the course experience starting with some course reflections from students, and from anyone who has been affected by this course in any way (e.g., connected with students via blogs, participated in Elluminate/Skype/Ustream sessions, etc.).
I will be on the conference trail for the next while talking about my course, and I would LOVE to have your reactions to the course! Thanks so much for your time. I am really hoping that I have something to support the format of the course (open, transparent) and the learning experiences that occurred, both inside and outside of the formal pieces. Please help by contributing to this voicethread.
I watched and participated in a few of the sessions (and borrowed a few ideas) It was impressive to see people from all over the globe as participant-observers.
Also impressive was the way that the course used social media ICT tools and resources that are freely available on the web, Twitter, UStream, Wikispaces etc.
The course exemplified many principles of web-based teaching and learning that have potential to transform education; free and open access to resources, engagement with and in a community of learners, synchronous and asynchronous components, support for multiple learning styles, experiential learning, professor as guide and co-learner.
Some of the folks who took the course for credit will be in administrative roles making decisions about web-based resources and practices in education. This course will allow them to make those decisions in an informed way.
Great course, great experience!
Sounds like another excellent job. I like the use of the Voicethread to have people comment. Thank you for being out there and willing to share your info on Twitter.
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When I registered for EC&I 831 Computers in the Classroom little did I know that I would be entering a brave new world of learning. The class challenged me to expand my knowledge of Web 2.0 tools and the world of technology in education. I was exposed to new tools and new thinking on a weekly basis. However, I think the biggest impact the class had on me was the networking that developed. We were able to develop a network of like thinkers within the class as well as, develop contacts outside of it whether it was through the Ustream chats, blog comments or the guest speakers. Because of this class I have a Twitter network of teachers working with educational technology who provide me with amazing resources, ideas and knowledge. I’m working on new collaborative projects with Sharon Peters in Montreal, Jeff Whipple in New Brunswick and who know’s who else in the fall. I’ve become part of Ning groups, participated in WOW 2.0 and become an even stronger advocate of technology integration within the classroom.
Thank you for a wonderful experience,
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