It looks like I contributed to inspiring a Graduate student to start a new blog on leadership and technology. This email was sent out to myself and others:
Greetings all,
I am trying something entirely new to me. Alec Couros talked to us in our class last Tuesday and a quote of his has resonated with me. “Knowledge doesn’t exist in us so much but in a network.” I think that I have always believed this. However, I think our leadership day on Thursday and Alec’s talk challenged me to think about using a blog to open up my burning questions to the world. I have no idea if I did it “right” but have begun to explore the idea of “networks of knowledge”. I created a blog to see what others had to say about some burning questions that I have about leadership and technology. Please pass on this link to anyone you think might be interested in exploring these questions.
Here is the link.
Please feel free to share your thoughts!!
Yours bloggingly,
Could we give this new blogger a warm welcome by responding to her first question, “What is the role of the leader in educational technology?” I feel that nothing gets a new blogger more motivated than some initial audience response.