Google Sketchup For Dummies

I noticed a few really interesting “how-to” videos from the author of Google Sketchup for Dummies. The video below demonstrates how you can make a dog-house using Google Sketchup.

I haven’t used Sketchup very much at all, but watching these videos makes me want to explore this free tool. See more videos from this series.

4 thoughts on “Google Sketchup For Dummies

  1. I’ve started using this program with my CPT 20/30 students and they’ve loved it! I have students that are using it to design entire city blocks to scale!

  2. This is great Geoff.
    If you have anything you can share with me, I would love to see what students are doing in schools. Let me know.

  3. Very cool Ian.
    I get the jist of it, but the Google doc you have on your blog with the details of the project needs to be shared, or published publicly. I have no access to it.

    Thanks for dropping by, great to see you’ve got a neat model for collaborating on SketchUp projects.

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