CyberBullying Presentation

I’ve been asked to present on the topic of CyberBullying to a group of parents in Canora, Saskatchewan. I’ve put together a presentation which I created in Keynote. I’m making it available to anyone who might find it useful.

Here it is in Keynote Format (zipped), Powerpoint format or as a PDF.
Note: The export to PowerPoint function wasn’t perfect, as I’ve found there seems to be some overlapping text. If you have Keynote, it’s probably your best bet.

Additionally, Dan has helped my put together a few resources for the presentation, so let this be the official announcement that our new domain has been officially launched. There’s not much there at the moment, but stay tuned as it develops.

2 thoughts on “CyberBullying Presentation

  1. Hi Alec,

    I was just checking out your blog and noticed this – looks like a great presentation. I’m sure the parent group will appreciate it and were probably blown away by everything going on in this space. It’s remarkable how fast various social conventions have developed among that age group (certainly compared to the rest of us).

    Looking forward to your presentation to the IABC group next week.

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