Iran: A Nation of Bloggers

Earlier today, I sent a tweet describing the contrast between teachers I have worked with who are afraid to use social media for fear of “Internet Predators” vs. many Iranian citizens who use social media with the realization that they may face direct punishment, imprisonment, or death sentence. Now, I just noticed a video from Rocketboom that supports this important idea and describes some of the perils faced by those that blog for freedom, social justice, and for an end to oppression.

Please help your students and colleagues understand how privileged they are to be able to express their thoughts and ideas, through social media or otherwise, freely and without fear of penalty.

3 thoughts on “Iran: A Nation of Bloggers

  1. Thanks for posting this video. I am going to use it to start a class discussion this fall about why people blog and the power of blogging.

    Powerful and contrasts the freedom we have.

  2. Pingback: Iran » UK embassy staff face trial in Iran - MSN UK News - Why We Protest ...

  3. Excellent! Great find! What crisis will have to happen here before we realize what we have? When will we break free from the fear of a lawsuit to begin to use the tools that world is embracing?

    Great find, Alec!

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