FLOSSE Posse Group Weblog: Open Source/Open Content in Education

I was just notified of a new group weblog titled FLOSSE (Free/Libre and Open Source Software in Education) Posse.

“The reason for our existence is to start a conversation in the blogosphere about Open Source and Open Content in Education.”

Of course, if you have been reading this blog and know of my research interests, this is exactly the type of conversation I am interested in listening to and participating in.

It sounds like the blog will soon feature interviews from prominent voices in the field. The interviewees include Stephen Downes, Alan Levine, Knut Yrvin, George Siemens, Teemu Leinonen and Antti Kauppi. I am told that these interviews will be posted on the blog in the very near future. However, I noticed that an excellent interview with Alan Levine has already been posted.

I think this is going to be an great help with my own research, as it will be a source of first-hand interviews of experts in the area of FLOSSE.

Check it out at: